Weeknotes 17 - 23 February 2025


Art, art and there should have been more art (but the opening times didn’t work for me), lunch, beach and golf…

…so I did well this week, but am annoyed I missed David Spencer’s Pentimento in Fremantle.

The cover image this week is a still from a video I took of Alice Guiness’s Burndud Ground at John Curtin Gallery (as part of the Perth Festival). The interactive light projections were great - I love playing with this sort of artwork. I also made it to Scott Price’s Radical Ecologies (now closed, but you can see these works and more on the artist’s website). I own a small piece from Scott and I’m fascinated by the materials used and the way these carry the experience of nature and the environment into the art (and to the viewer).


The story in Robert J. Sawyer’s Starplex is interesting, but some of the character development annoys me (and feels dated). I don’t mind all the technical explanations (which is what does make this “hard” science fiction, in spite of my misgivings last week).

Still no more ruminations about New Happy. In part I think that’s because I’m not working currently, and I’m still very much in “don’t ask me to do much I’m taking a break” mode.


Practice one morning and three rounds of competition (with the final comp being a team effort with D). I’m still pretty erratic. Practice helped with some things (I think), but my driving is still excellent, or awful, with no sense of why from one attempt to the next. I suspect that (and D confirms this is certainly possible) it’s because I’m trying to hit the ball, rather than just swinging and letting the club do the work.

At least my golf balls are happy:

Golf balls marked up with orange smiley faces


I did a random home weights session (no repeats, just a lot of different exercise sets). I also did pushups and attempted pullups on multiple days.

Guess what? No running.


We ate ok at home, but the thai beef salad I had after golf was the winner for me.


No garden work (other than some watering and filling bird baths). Too hot. Too tired from other things.

Preparation for planting continues (in my head)! I have found some useful resources on preparing the ground.


No more windsurfing, although I did go down to the beach… but it was so cold. I know. I’ve been complaining about it being too hot, but then, suddenly, I was too cold and ill-prepared to go in the water.

I went for a walk instead and took a picture of a metal seal:

Metal sculpture of a seal


I bought a flat pack table and constructed it, so my sewing machine and overlocker have a place to be. That doesn’t mean I’ve used them there yet. I did hand sew my golf umbrella to tighten up the elastic (which holds the upper layer in place over the gust holes).

I’m afraid that I might be sewing skirts well into winter and then not wearing them for ages… maybe if I pull the stops out I could make the really pretty one in time to wear in the next few weeks?

Three ideas:

  • Book that winging lesson?
  • Check out gardening resources
  • Make a skirt (? or plant something in the garden?)

I did not send the work-related emails I was meant to send and can feel myself sliding away into flakiness (ie just not saying anything and dodging the issue until I have to reply to a direct query). Gah! I don’t like having to write those responses, so I guess I’d better send the emails today.

I miss my work friends. I even toyed with the idea of setting up Unoffice Hours for them, but it probably wouldn’t work. It’s not the same as being in the same a corridor with an open door through which people wander when they want to chat. I wonder though? Would academics in general like to have a service where they can just complain about things for 15 minutes to someone who has enough academic background to be a sounding board?

Written By

Eleanor Sandry

Recovering academic now running free online.
