Not a fantastic week, with the car breaking down (and me with it, to some extent)…
…but I’m feeling much better and the car is fixed, so things are looking up again.
This week’s picture is a view looking up at our tree. I’ve been thinking of writing at least one post that documents all of the tree’s inhabitants over a day. The birds often seem to have booked shifts up there, with arguments breaking out when a group overstay their timeslot. Today though (the day after I should have written this weeknote) it has been the preserve of the raven(s).
I’ve paused my re-reading of the Silo trilogy by Hugh Howey because the story has deviated from the television series quite a bit at this point. I realised I was getting confused with some characters experiencing very different lives across the two narratives. Moving on to Robert J. Sawyer’s Starplex involves a change of pace to what some people (including Sawyer) describe as “hard” science fiction (although I’m not sure I agree - maybe it depends on how you read the story and the details to which you pay attention).
I’ve not done much more reading of New Happy. I’ve stalled a bit (as I often do on this genre of book, although, as the author says, this isn’t really traditional “self-help” since it isn’t just about helping the self alone, rather about helping the self via helping society and other people). One thing I have been trying to track is daily emotions/moods, but I’ve already discarded the resource the New Happy website offers to design my own more flexible and artistic method. I’m going to have to write a post about that once I’ve worked on it a bit more.
Two rounds of competition, with no practice… one good and one half good (and then very bad) where good and bad is not just judged via scoring, but also by ability to hit the ball pretty much at all in the right direction. There is work to be done here, but this week was not the week to be doing that work.
I bailed on home weights… again. I was exhausted from my over-anxious reaction to the car breaking down, organising the garage, a tow, and the repairs. It all went fine, but it rattled me when I had to drive home in limp mode (because I realised it could have been a lot more scary and dangerous if I hadn’t been on local small streets). My physio session at the gym was good though.
Also, still no running. I will get there eventually.
We did eat well, but I self-sabotaged by drinking wine too many nights. I didn’t have a lot, but these days it can result in less restful sleep (already put into disarray by my stress).
Managed about a third of a bin with couch grass and a massive deceased rose bush root system.
My plans for the garden are developing in my head, but not in physical space! Can’t yet work out if the rocks in the back garden bird bath are really helpful, so no more rocks have been purchased yet.
No more windsurfing, no other watersports. I think I will book a single lesson for wingfoiling in the next few weeks because this will set me up for doing meaningful practice on the standup paddleboard with additional fins (discussed last week).
All the material is washed and ready to go, but I’ve not been in the mood to sew. I’ve decided what table to buy to setup in my office as a sewing/art desk. I think having a dedicated space will make it much easier to commit time to projects (without feeling hurried by the fact that I’ve taken over the dining table). My main desk is sit-stand and very much for computers and possibly writing. I need a bigger flat space for patterns, cutting material, the sewing machine and overlocker, but also for any art projects I might ever get around too as well.
Three ideas:
- Windsurfing… try again (if the wind is around on a day I can go)
- Book that winging lesson (so I am confident to practice on my own with the fin attachment for the standup paddleboard)
- Plant something (moved from last week to this week, because I need to start sometime)
I am going to have to send some work-related emails next week… and I’m not looking forward to that, but it needs to be done and off my mind.