Back down to the windsurfing beach this week and I had a go this time…
…but it didn’t go great!
On a positive note, all my new kit fitted well, I was very comfortable and my leg brace felt fine (so fine that really I didn’t notice it at all unless I was kneeling on the board trying to uphaul). Negatives? I was too scared to put up a large enough sail for the conditions (in case more wind came in while I was out), so I struggled to beach and water start. This was the reason for attempting to uphaul, but in spite of my balance being way better than it has ever been, I couldn’t handle the chop.
The beach was nice though, as you can see from the header image for this post.
Maybe next time will go better (and I might try the river with a larger board).
I’ve been trying, and failing, to read some books recently. We’ve had a few false starts trying new (to us) science fiction authors. D gave up and returned to an old set of fantasy books, but I’d forgotten how disturbing I find torture (a feature mainly of the first of the novels in the trilogy). I’ve read this set of books before, and was ok, but it doesn’t make me comfortable now. I stopped.
I’ve decided instead to re-read the Silo trilogy by Hugh Howey. We’re on to the second season of the television adaptation and I’ve been wondering how similar the storylines are (given the need often to make things quite different to work for the audiovisual watcher-listener rather than the reader). So far I’m finding that the stories match in terms of events, but that some characters are more dominant in the television adaptation. Explanations for why things happen are also a little different. I’m not sure if I’ll need to halt my reading to avoid overtaking the viewing experience.
I’m playing more consistently again. It’s remarkable how much easier it is to play well when practicing as opposed to taking part in competition though. There’s less pressure and often more time to get into a rhythym. It’s the rhythym of the walking and the shots that really makes a difference for me. As soon as I need to speed up (because I, or someone I’m playing with, has hit issues and we’re holding up the field) my play often goes off the rails!
I’ve continued to think about a practice schedule. I’ve got some ideas for what to do at the driving range now (and I’ve been saving short simple tips as I see them on social media, this being one of the reasons that I don’t want to leave social media behind completely atm).
I managed 25 minutes of home weights on top of my physio session this week, which was better than I’ve ever done before (or maybe since the first few months when I was in recovery from my injury so was a bit more motivated to do all the at home exercises regularly). This is good. I’m feeling strong and its paying off in terms of how well I’m going with golf, gardening and (almost) windsurfing.
Still contemplating the idea of a run. Maybe the week after next when it really might be cooler.
We’re continuing to eat pretty well. It turns out that steak, red wine and cheese can be a bit much these days! (I slept so badly that the next day I had to take it easy.) No hangover, just soooo tired.
Filled the bin again, although I thought it’d be a struggle. I took out an aloe that was trying to make it into the pool (before it got so big as to be a two person job). I also trimmed back some other succulent ground cover.
I did a bunch of research into varieties of natives that are good for insects and birds. I’m thinking of planting some large natives where our front lawn is struggling, turning that square into bush (with the larger plants meaning we can just cut the grass back underneath rather than attempting to take what remains out completely).
The bird baths are still filled on the reg, but I haven’t seen much action. The pigeons seem to like the front garden now though.
OMG. The large cactus… and Milligan (a succulent with the vicious spikes out front) both need repotting.
I almost went windsurfing! Not sure about wingfoiling now. Confused. Here’s a seagull I saw fly over when I was sitting on the beach recovering:
I made a skirt. It’s effectively a wearable toile of the pattern I made for myself. I had to alter it a bit as I made it, with that job made a lot easier by initial tacking with the sewing machine before using my new overlocker to cut it down to size!
The overlocker is magic. The finish is great. I’m looking forward to making my next tee-shirt now, because it’ll make stretch fabric so much easier to work and the final product much more professional.
Three ideas:
- Windsurfing… try again (maybe hire a big board and go to the river, or just go to the river for a less choppy experience)
- Buy really nice fabric for skirt no. 2
- See if I can locate plants
The Work section has not made a reappearance, in spite of the fact that it should have… read into that what you will.