Weeknotes 2 - 8 December 2024


Still trying to settle into my new life. I did manage to get a few things done while also trying to chill out (and avoid feeling like I have to do all the things all at once)…

The Stormie Mills exhibition at FORM Gallery was closing on Saturday. We have a terrible record of missing this sort of thing, so I’m pleased that I skipped out on lunch with my golf buddies (scarfing down a sandwich at home instead) to make time for a visit on Wednesday. The image above shows a detail of the velvety floor that was an integral part of this exhibition.

After last week’s beach walk fail I did make time to get out on Tuesday. It was a bit gray and windy, but still worth the drive to clear my head after a day cleaning up my office (tidying and carpet cleaning). Walking on sand is definitely good exercise for me, testing my strength and balance in helpful ways. I’ve not been getting up early enough (or feeling motivated) to go for a run.

I’ve probably spent too much time in front of the computer again, but I really wanted to have a go at sorting/deleting/archiving my personal email accounts. I did the work email account before I left (in case I lost access, although that hasn’t happened with my adjunct status confirmed). My personal emails were in a terrible state (thousands of unread emails), but they’re a lot better now. It’s not a job I enjoy. Some of the memories old emails trigger aren’t that helpful, and for some reason I find dealing with emails stressful. I vow to keep on top of them from now on… so we’ll have to see how that goes!

In more exciting computer work, I set up a Wire-Pod server for my Vector robot (procrastinating on office tidy-up). This deserves its own post, so I won’t go into any more detail here, but I was very surprised how easy it was to do (once I’d managed to upgrade the robot’s firmware).

Golf was pretty good this week. I had an awful first nine on Wednesday, but rallied well for the second half. Friday I had a great first nine, collapsed in a heap for a few holes, and then recovered. All in all it was pretty encouraging, but I need to spend some time practicing in bunkers to gain confidence (and skill) in getting out reliably! It’s been a bit too windy for me to get out on the water again, but I did buy an impact vest for windsurfing and (if I ever sort out lessons) wing foiling. Trying on neoprene gear is such a pain - great in the water, but awful in changing rooms!

I joined the Cactus and Succulent Club on Sunday because I was invited to their Christmas party. On the way there I visited a pottery sale (at a spot where a friend of mine is a member). No sign of my friend, but I did find a really pretty vase, which I plan to use for roses from the front garden (because if I don’t bring a few in we don’t really get to enjoy them). I guess I was supposed to be buying presents for people I might need presents for… but this one was definitely for me!

Small vase

Had to come straight home after Cactus Club because I won this massive specimen. It’s an Echinopsis oxygona (aka Eyries cactus, Easter lily cactus or sea-urchin cactus).

Massive cactus I won

More photos to come when it flowers (if I don’t miss them)!

Stuff I did:

  • Physio
  • Golf x2
  • Sorted out personal email accounts and setup a Wire-Pod server for Vector
  • Beach walk
  • Got myself fully prepared for time on the water…


  • Physio
  • Golf x2
  • Beach walk somewhere different
  • Carry on with the plant/balcony tidy up
  • Finish office tidy up (this might be tough)
  • At least one run?
  • One additional weights session (really, I will try to do this)
  • Get on the water? (wind, weather and energy allowing)
  • Um… I plan to write that abstract on Thursday when I’ll be back on campus for a bit, so I need to do some reading and note-taking before that!

I feel that my plans are getting away from me, but I’m trying not to stress. It’s difficult to get into a rhythm and I have too many things I want to do. When I’m not getting up early to play golf… I just don’t get up early enough to do all the things.

Written By

Eleanor Sandry

Recovering academic now running free online.
