Weeknotes 24 November - 01 December 2024


My second weeknotes post - the first week of not working (not being on holiday, just not working) but with some work (which would not surprise anyone that knows me)…

It’s Jacaranda season and the featured blossom is opposite the bus stop where I’ve been spending an unusual amount of time this week because I’ve been “out” three times (a concert, dinner and lunch).

Maybe my hectic (for me) social life is one of the reason’s I didn’t make it to the beach, so my beach walk record is still just 1. I also didn’t go for a run or do a proper weights session, which means the one pull up before the end of the year goal is looking unlikely. I think this is because I’m tiring easily, which is not unexpected given the circumstances.

This pretty poor quality image features one of the many kookaburras on the golf course:


Normally laughing at us, this one was silent as it watched me. I have lots of high quality images of that morning’s golf only because it was the Christmas party fancy dress competition, but I’m not sharing images of people here. We had a good time playing followed by a nice lunch. I could have done without the singing (skits, aaarrgh), but that’s just me.

Two rounds of golf on a hilly course is a not inconsiderable amount of exercise (for both body and brain at around four hours of concentration and physical activity). Those trips out this week have been good fun, but probably didn’t help my sleep patterns.

This week I also spent too long in front of computers, but I did sort out a lot of things, including one bit of work stuff. It was too windy for me to attempt windsurfing this week (and I admit it, I was relieved to be off the hook). Next week though… well, I might have to give it a go (but I need to upgrade my protective gear first).

I did begin to spend some time with the plants, which have been neglected over the last few months. I took some cuttings a while back and potted them up, but then completely forgot about them. They weren’t all dead! Succulents - can’t beat them for surviving through adversity.

Stuff I did:

  • Physio
  • Golf x2
  • Setup custom domain for this site, tidied the content up and released it to the world
  • Fielded and emailed on a work issue (because I still have access to email as an Adjunct and that means I can)
  • Potted up a bunch of succulents and tidied up one side of the balcony plant display area
  • Open-air evening concert
  • Drinks and dinner with new friends
  • Cocktails and lunch with old friends


  • Physio
  • Golf x2
  • Beach walk somewhere different
  • Carry on with the plant/balcony tidy up
  • At least one run?
  • Begin to tidy my office
  • One additional weights session (oh, I’m so bad at doing this on the reg)
  • Get on the water? (wind, weather and energy allowing)
  • Um… notes for the abstract… (see below)

Yes. I still need to write that overdue abstract, but I did say it’d not arrive until December! I’m actually thinking that writing the abstract should just be the beginning of the writing of the whole thing, ie I shouldn’t write an abstract and then drop the project to pick it up next year. I should actually try to do something more substantial now. Future me will be much happier with past me if I can do that.

Written By

Eleanor Sandry

Recovering academic now running free online.
